QR6 (source Viral Beat) can be considered a quality index composed of six important parameters. This is a useful model for understanding how brands and marketers can fully leverage in depth data insights for a “data driven” strategy. Following our representation according ROIALTY Solutions.

RELATION – Who are we reaching with our message?
Relation provides the communication ecosystem that maps the social identification of its the actors. When we talk about actors within an ecosystem (e.g. twitter) we are talking not only about the influencers but about all of the nodes that comprise these social conversations. To this end, Audience Intelligence can perfectly solve this dilemma:

[Tweet “What is the difference between a topic-driven and a customer centric approach when segmenting?”]

Thanks to the latest tools developed by ROIALTY, it is now possible to create the right target audience by matching social data (demographics, location, hashtag, public pages) with the interests of users! Ultimately allowing brands to optimize their social media advertising.

RESONANCE – How can we choose the right content?
This phase depicts the ways in which we relate to and talk with a specific target audience. Having a quality relationship with our audience means not only understanding their: tone of voice, languages and modes of expression but most importantly their interests!

RELEVANCE – Is our content relevant to the target audience?
It is absolutely imperative that we understand how efficient our strategy is. This relates to resonance and measures the real performance of our social content. To get in-depth data is crucial to develop the creative content for our strategy.

We interviewed the co-founder of Ninja Marketing and Rural Hub about his point-of-view on the role of the “Content Creator”. “The future of the communication agency is obscured because the figure of Content Creator is adapting. The role of this singular, eclectic figure is  evolving therefore, creativity today is no longer in the hands of one person. We must understand the creativity within the audience as a whole, their interests, and especially in their approach to the social networking.  As a result, only the brands that have mastered  the concept of truly listening to their
qr6_model-infographic-03audience will be able to extract complex insights and convert them into efficient communication”

REACTIVITY – How can we be effectively react to feedback in real time?
Costs for advertising and Content creation in Social Networks are increasingly rising. With this in mind, it is crucial to invest in the relationship between different target audiences. Several tools exist (e.g. Social Intelligence) to allow us mesuring mentions, sentiment and reputation about a specific profile, so, the community management activity can be precise and in real time.

REPORT – Are we doing quantitative/qualitative analysis?
When we create an activity report, there are several aspects that we must consider in our final evaluation. The comparative report is used to track the differences between specific moments and their events. Understanding how conversation flows can change in real time based on events, opens up useful insights in the future. This allow more corrective actions to make ongoing social activities so to provide more relevant information to consumers at the precise moment.

REDISTRIBUTION –How can we redistribute the value created by our audience?
Conversations on the web are integrated into every touch point, independently of the willingness of brands to activate social listening activities. Social networks are opportunities and every moment can be profitable in terms of acquiring in-depth data that points toward future strategies.
Understanding conversations allow brands to find useful data about the audience: with the ROIALTY customer segmentation solution it is possible to profile audiences according to interests and passions.

Building content that interests audiences means that the old Lovemark paradigm is overturned: now, if you want the audience to love a brand, they need a deep understanding of their audience and propose content  most relevant to what they are looking.
Value redistribution is a crucial part of the QR6 model because it allows us to leverage data in a profitable way for both parties.

“Brands and consumers have never been closer”!