We’re super excited to have on board Autogrill S.p.A.; they selected Roialty OneVoice for social listening and analytics.

Thanks to OneVoice, Autogrill S.p.A is doing sentiment analysis around the world for itself as well as for its satellite companies such as HMSHost; they are also analyzing brand competition across the web (social networks, blogs, forums, reviews, Q&As, etc.).

Autogrill S.p.A chose OneVoice to:

  • Monitor brand reputation: Monitor when and how people are talking about Autogrill in real time.
  • Find and engage the right influencers: identify the right people and turn them into advocates.
  • Spot new market opportunities: Discover target segments and business opportunities by deeply understanding its market.
  • Predict intention to buy: Improve lead generation and spot new potential customers by analyzing their social behaviors.
  • Get consumer insights: get significant insights in real-time about any product, topic or content.
    Boost Twitter Ad campaigns: Segment its ideal audience and give wings to its Twitter tailored audience.

Autogrill S.p.A also selected Roialty’s new Instagram Tracker tool for hashtag monitoring:

  • It can discover where specific hashtags are being published around the world.
  • It can collect and analyze daily content and related interactions that are produced over time.
  • It has the ability to view and segment users with the highest number of followers, that have also interacted with a specific hashtag.
  • It can discover how frequently hashtags are used together.

To find out more, visit our website at Roialty OneVoice.